Hi folks! I have come this far in maintaining this blog thru the already many topics that I have posted. This is only made possible because of my sheer desire and pleasure in freely giving helpful information to you my fellow guitar lovers. And I genuinely hope that I am helping you solve whatever issues you have as far as guitar playing skills are concerned.
Having said that, I propose that you leave comments or suggestions as to what issues based on your guitar playing experience, you wish for me to write articles about.
In addition, it would be a lot better if I were able to see how you practise, improve and develop skills as though you and I were in an actual lesson setting so I can provide feedback on the way you do things on the guitar. This is important especially when you are learning new techniques so that there will never be any chance of you developing bad habits that are very hard to break and ultimately handicap your overall playing.
So how are we going to do this? Simple: Take a video of you practising or playing (preferably those that contain your problem areas), post it on YouTube and give me the links. Don't be shy!:) You don't have to show your face. I only need to see your left and right hands.:)
If you are teaching yourself using resource materials like Audio CDs, DVDs,the internet, etc., this will be very helpful. At least there is somebody who can tell you whether or not you are on the right track.
Thank you very much and I hope you will help me make this blog a lot better!:)