Hello folks! I hope you had fun and learned a lot from Part 1 of this article. Now, in this very short article I am going to show you yet another use of the string bending technique.
So as the way it is called, you bend the string before you actually make it sound. It is sort of the reverse of the one we discussed in the previous article. So pick up a note, say C. Next is to bend it so that it hits the note D. Now try to remember how it feels, how hard you have to push the string upward in bending it because in the real playing situation you're not supposed to play or strike the string until you've bent it.
Once you got this down try playing it and as soon as it sounds (still in D) quickly release the bend to revert back to C.
Just like the regular string bending this technique is very powerful in conveying different emotions. It helps you to be so expressive on the guitar that your listeners would know what it is you're trying to tell them even when there's no lyrics or nobody singing!
Now considering that we have been only dealing with a single note, how much more when we put this one bent note with many other notes? I tell you, you could virtually grab your listeners by he neck and tell them 'Listen to me!'
I'll do a video version of these techniques in the near future so that you will clearly see what I mean. But for now, try to follow, experiment, and have fun!